2018-07-04 Climate and Energy Transition to Zero Carbon

Detailed Sustainable Energy Transition Path Graph - click for full size image
Planning the appropriate renewable energy installation rate should balance two partially contradictory objectives: substituting fossil fuels fast enough to stave-off the worst consequences of climate change while maintaining a sufficient net energy flow to support the world's economy.

See: 2016-09-07 Quantifying the Narrowing Net-energy Pathways to a Global Energy Transition
2018-07-04 Climate and Energy Transition to Zero Carbon
Planning the appropriate renewable energy installation rate should balance two partially contradictory objectives: substituting fossil fuels fast enough to stave-off the worst consequences of climate change while maintaining a sufficient net energy flow to support the world's economy.

See: 2016-09-07 Quantifying the Narrowing Net-energy Pathways to a Global Energy Transition
Detailed Sustainable Energy Transition Path Graph - click for full size image