1983-04-06 The Scope for Electricity Saving in Domestic Appliances
I was commissioned to produce this study by Earth Resources Research, on behalf of Friends of the Earth UK in connection the Sizewell B Enquiry.
The approach was to compare the energy consumptions of all appliances tested by 'Which ?' magazine - published by Consumers Association. When those for each appliance type were plotted against price, they showed the scope for saving electricity - often at little or no higher cost.
A separate part of the study was of the scope for saving electricity in a 'larder' fridge, using a mathematical model. This was based on the work of Juergen Norgard of the Danish Technical University. His work also lead to the LR 200 larder fridge, produced by Gram of Denmark, which had an exceptionally low electricity consumption for the time.
Although it was written on a computer, the file is on media that I can no longer read.
1983-04-06 The Scope for Electricity Saving in Domestic Appliances
I was commissioned to produce this study by Earth Resources Research, on behalf of Friends of the Earth UK in connection the Sizewell B Enquiry.